News & Advice

Your lambing/calving kit should have the following (Just in case…)

Jul 9, 2018 | Beef cattle, Dry stock, Dry stock animal health & welfare, Sheep

  • Gloves, lubricant & calving and lambing ropes
  • Injectable Metabolic treatments – injectable calcium ‘Calpro250’, injectable glucose ‘Glucalphos’
  • Oral metabolic treatments- calcium preparations for cows eg Headstart gold, calol, and energy drenches eg. acetol/ketol
  • Antibiotics, painkillers, needles and syringes
  • Bearing retainers, or needles and tape
  • Rubber rings and applicator
  • Iodine navel spray
  • Calf scour treatments, rehydration (electrolyte) sachets and drenching tubes for lambs and calves
  • Heat lamp or hot box for reheating hypothermic lambs and calves
  • Lamb covers/jackets
  • Powdered colostrum and milk powder
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