News & Advice

Why do WE get so excited about pregnancy scanning YOUR herd?

Dec 6, 2021 | Dairy, Dairy Farm Reproduction

Katrina Roberts, Herd Health Veterinarian, Anexa Vets  

(possibly more excited than you!) 

You may think that the sweat, early mornings, random bruises, shoulder pain and cross eyes that occur on a daily basis during January and February may be a strange thing for us dairy vets to be enthused about, but pregnancy testing your herd is at the core of why we do what we do. 

We want to find out how you went! The success of all that hard work you’ve put in over the past year or more can be measured with the pregnancy test. All the effort you put in to dry off early to hit condition score at calving targets, all those conversations we had about getting the grazier on board with weighing the heifers, were those AllTrace boluses in the yearlings really worth the money? and the more obvious – did all that mating time stuff make a difference? If things go well we want to be there to pat you on the back, if the results aren’t so great, we want to help you figure out what we could have done better. 

We offer an exceptional pregnancy testing service, where we aim to deliver the most efficient approach to whole-herd pregnancy testing for your herd. Empty cows are checked manually so any pathology can be detected (e.g. no point carrying over a cow with a uterine abscess for example) and empties are confirmed (we stand by our diagnosis). 

If we scan at the right time we can accurately confirm the conception of all pregnancies, which is crucial for giving accurate calving dates and therefore for decision making later on, this is also needed for further investigation into the mating performance of the herd. We can bring a competent technician to record (so your staff holidays don’t cause issues) and the data can be entered direct into MindaLive if needed. We want to see your cows! There isn’t many opportunities for us, as your vet, to be up at cow height having a look at your herd so at the time of scanning we can also perform other tasks if they are booked in advance such as individual condition scoring, tail scoring or vaccinations. 

To book your scanning give your local Anexa Vet clinic a call or


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