News & Advice

What impact is this extremely wet weather having on your farm?

Aug 5, 2017 | Dairy, Farm systems

Katrina Roberts, Anexa FVC Herd Health Veterinarian

Sodden, boggy, sloppy, swampy, sloppy, muddy, pugged and “wet as a shag” (as my Nana would have said!). That’s what you are having to deal with right now, and have been dealing with for the last three or four months. Not much fun we know! So what impact is this extremely wet environment having on your farm and your cows and what things can you be doing to ensure a speedy recovery?

  • Rotate severely pugged paddocks into crops this season (options for your herd will depend on your system and your location). 
  • Ensure you feed the plants – getting spring fertiliser on at the right time. 
  • Paddocks with some damage? Look for weeds; some weeds love having wet feet so ensure you can fit in a spray now. 
  • Review your farm system and how you manage it. Maybe next season you might now do things differently i.e. use it as an opportunity to look for areas to improve (get cows off farm in winter, change your infrastructure, have more supplement on farm, be stricter about average pasture cover targets for drying off etc).
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