News & Advice

We can now recycle your empty Teatseal® tubes

Apr 23, 2021 | Dairy, Milk Quality, Sustainability

At Anexa, we are focused on doing the right thing by our people and the environment. When we were approached to be part of Zoetis’s Teatseal® tube pilot recycling scheme, we were keen to take part. We hope you will work with us to make this recycling initiative successful; together we have the potential to recycle over 230,000 tubes!*

The recycling pilot scheme explained

What is it?

A recycling scheme designed specifically for your empty Teatseal® tubes.

How will it work?

After application, farm members collect and return empty Teatseal® tubes back to an Anexa Vet clinic.
Anexa Vets clinics will provide a collection point, then the Teatseal® tubes will be picked up by Zoetis’s recycling partners, ready to be made into fence posts.

Teatseal® buckets may also be recycled. However, they will need to be separated from the tubes and caps.

Why are we participating in the recycling scheme?

It is the right thing to do, and the Ministry for the Environment has also mandated that within the next three years there must be a recycling programme for farm plastics, including all primary packaging for product registered under the ACVM Act.

How long will the collection be available at Anexa clinics?

Until 9th July 2021.

What products can be recycled?

Empty, clean Teatseal® tubes.

Can Teatseal® caps be included?


Can Teatseal® buckets be included?

Yes, but they will be added to a different collection.

Will other drycow/teatsealant tubes be accepted?

No. Other teatsealant brands, gloves, teatwipes, antibiotics dry cow therapy tubes are not being collected at this time. For our Teatseal® recycling initiative to be successful, we must know what type of plastic the tube is made out of and how the leftover substances react in the recycling process. For this reason, only separated empty Teatseal® tubes will be collected and recycled.
We hope you will take part in this recycling scheme as we work towards a more sustainable future. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call.

*Based on 2020 numbers

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