The advantages of early scanning, allowing every pregnancy to be aged include:
- Accurate 6-week in-calf rate – the best way to know how your herd compare with your neighbour’s? Are you going to win the Anexa Repro Award?
- Ability to make early culling decisions – don’t waste time and money feeding your expensive summer supplement to your culls
- Accurate analysis of mating performance – did that intervention you used actually work?
- Establishing AB conception rate – how many keeper calves can you expect next season?
- Ability to manage body condition – young cows take longer to put on condition, so knowing who the early calvers are is crucial
- Better management of transition cows – aiming for cows to be in the springing mob on appropriate minerals for 3 weeks prior to calving
- You can make targeted dry off decisions – later calving cows can milk longer this season
Book now! Our team of trained scanners are ready to help you gain the best out of your pregnancy testing – and booking now means you are more likely to get the slot you want!