Ram Soundness Exams

Ram Soundness Exams

It’s that time of the year again! We expect to spend a good chunk of November and December behind large numbers of rams, palpating testicles to ensure Rams are fit for mating.   So what exactly are we feeling for back there? A normal set of rams testicles are a...

Docking regulations

Reminder: Docking regulations changed on 9th May 2020 Docking of lambs under 6 months of age is allowed to be carried out by non-veterinarians. Docking is a painful procedure for the lamb,  it is carried out for cleanliness and to reduce the risk of flystrike. You may...
Trace Elements in Sheep

Trace Elements in Sheep

Do you know the trace element status of your sheep?  Copper, selenium, cobalt and iodine all affect growth and reproduction, animals need the right amount for their bodies to work properly. New Zealand soils and pasture can be deficient in these trace elements, and...