News & Advice

Scanning Update – February 2022

Feb 4, 2022 | Dairy, Dairy Farm Reproduction

Katrina Roberts, Herd Health Veterinarian, Anexa Vets

Scanning is well underway now. Of the 170 spring-calving herds scanned and in our systems for analysis so far, the 6-week in-calf rate is sitting at 70% which is looking similar to last season so far, and there are already 20 herds with 6-week in-calf rate above 78%.

The empty rate information is a bit more sparse as not all herds have done their final pregnancy test, and many herds have culled bulling cows before final scan due to the summer dry, but its looking similar to last season at around 14% at this stage. We will let you know final results in a later newsletter.


Once you have your scanning results – what do you do with them?

When the results are excellent, then it is easy to know that all the hard work has paid off, but what if the results aren’t so flash? What do you do next? Forget about it until next season? No!!!

If you don’t spend a bit of time figuring out the results, then chances are you will find yourself in the same awkward position next year all over again. The time to really make most use of the scanning results is when they are fresh in our mind and we can really understand what’s gone well (or otherwise!).

As part of our Anexa’s scanning service to our clients, we can sit down and review your pregnancy test report with you. This way, we can identify which areas need more focus for next season. We can create a plan that we can refer back to when we do your premating consult after calving.

We try to be organised and contact you, but if you haven’t heard from us shortly after we scan your herd then feel free to give us a nudge to book in your free post-scanning review.



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