News & Advice

Scanning Update – February 2019

Feb 5, 2019 | Dairy, Dairy Farm Reproduction

Katrina Roberts, Anexa Vets, Herd Health Veterinarian

Scanning is well underway now. Of the 100 spring-calving herds scanned so far, the average 6-week in-calf rate is 70%, this is a similar result to this time last year. 
As usual there has been a huge range in 6 week incalf rate across the practice – 41% to 84%. With 21% achieving the industry target of 78%. 
Remember at the end of the scanning season last year our AnexaFVC-wide average 6-week in-calf rate was 70% again and this bounce back from the previous season’s drop was consistent with the National Dairy Statistics, which indicated a small increase in the national increase in 6-week incalf rate last season also. 
It is too early to give an average empty rate as yet, as most herds the final scan for empty rate is only being completed as this newsletter is being prepared, however those herd owners that have opted for 9-10 week matings have already completed their final pregnancy scan. 
The results vary from farm to farm, and there are farms this season who have made big gains in performance, and some who have dropped back. The reasons for the changes in performance are many and will be individual to every farm. Good herd reproductive performance requires on-going attention. It requires focus and hard work, and we understand that it can be hard to stay motivated. Progressing to a higher in-calf rate will require extra effort. Doing the same as you’ve always done won’t improve the situation. 

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