News & Advice

RMPP Are you interested in getting involved in an Action Network Group?

Jun 5, 2019 | Dry stock

The Red Meat Profit Partnership (RMPP) is a unique collaboration between the Red Meat Sector and government through the Primary Growth Partnership. Nine industry players are investing along with MPI. It is set up to drive sustainable productivity improvements in the Sheep and Beef Sector to deliver higher on-farm profitability.

So what is the RMPP action network?

The RMPP Action network is made up of Farmer action groups, which each have between 7 and 9 farm businesses in each group. Each group is eligible for kick-start funding of $4000 per farm business, pooled to pay for a facilitator and expert advice.
Farm businesses committed to RMPP Action Network can expect:

  • A professionally-facilitated, results-focused small group supporting your business through change
  • Less risk to your business through $4,000 kick-start funding and external support
  • Help finding solutions to support your business in a changing world
  • Connection to trusted, independent expertise
  • To tap into the knowledge and experience of other farmers


How does it work? An example

Farmers, Sarah and Tim, were invited to join RMPP Action Network alongside seven other farm businesses who were interested in finding out more about sheep feeding and grazing management.

They were allocated $4,000 per farm business so had $32,000 to run their group. With the help of a trained facilitator who was paid out of the group fund they pulled together a plan of activities they wanted to run during the year and what expertise they wanted to bring in.

This plan was approved by RMPP.

Over the year the group brought in several specialists to talk with them and offer advice. These were paid for out of the group’s fund. The individual farm businesses had their own goals and the facilitator, experts and other farmers in the group were able to support them all in achieving these.
In year two, each farm business added $800 of their own to their group fund because they could see the value in the support they were getting.
They reviewed their plan with the facilitator and are looking forward to launching into their second year, this time looking at environmental considerations as their regional plan has changed recently.

Interested? Want to know more?

We think this is a great opportunity and would love to see our clients involved in this initiative. More information is available at . Three Anexa Vets have completed the RMPP facilitators training required. Give us a call if you are interested in forming a group and let’s get some local RMPP action groups going in our community.

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