- Docking
- Clostridial vaccines
- Fly treatment
- Rings
- B12 injections
- Scabby mouth vaccine
- Prepare exit drench for ewes if you used long-acting drench products
- Palpation and Brucella ovis testing
- Surgery for teaser rams – at least a month before using
Dairy Grazers
Ready for mating?
- Trace element testing, liver (best) or bloods
- Mineral supplementation, consider long-lasting
copper boluses, all-trace bolus - Lungworm drench, flukicide
- BVD, lepto vaccinations
Ready for animals arriving?
- Quarantine drench
- Tick treatment
- Vaccination history
- Mineral, nutrition history
- Check if any disease problems e.g. Scours, pneumonia?
Young Beef
Ready for weaning?
- Nait tags
- Combo drench
- Rings for castration
- Clostridial vaccines
- B12 injections
- Tickicides
- Check if any disease problems e.g. Scours, pneumonia?
- Order Nait tags for calves early
- Order clostridial vaccine and drench ready for weaning
- BVD and lepto vaccination
- Testing for BVD, EBL if for sale