As autumn has arrived, the time of you annual Milk Quality Consult is around the corner. During this
consult your farm’s performance around mastitis during this season is discussed, decisions around dry-off
are made and plans for the next season’s approach to milk quality are made.
Part of this consult covers the actual scripting of RVM drugs for your farm; mainly dry off treatments and lactating cow treatments are discussed in this consult. We have made quite a few changes to our scripting system over the past 18 months and some of you will already be familiar with the new ‘Drug Ledger’ instead of the old PAR booklet. Moving forward all farms will receive a plastic chart that is their actual script.
There are two sides to this chart:
The front-side contains a list of indications like ‘early season mastitis’/ ‘multiple quarter mastitis’ etc. When you follow the line of this indication, across the page, the preferred treatments are then listed, with their dose rate, route of administration and withholding periods.
On the back is a full list of the products scripted to your farm, their active ingredients, how many units are scripted and during what time period your script is valid.
Together these two sides adhere to all current requirements and shed inspectors will sign them off as appropriate.
The scripting process will be done online on our amazing new website
During your consult your Veterinarian will take you through your own web-page and the wide range of possibilities the website has to offer you. This includes the Digital Dairy Diary that is purpose developed for ease of use, and it calculates your withholding periods for any specific animal that you are treating.
It’s pretty amazing and, we look forward to presenting this to you.
Calf First Aid
Calves, like all young animals, can deteriorate rapidly when they get sick. To have the best...