News & Advice

More BVD on farm this season

Nov 1, 2023 | Biosecurity, Dairy

We have had more BVD issues identified in the bulk tank samples this year than we have for a few years. When things don’t change much on a monitor sample result, it’s easy to get complacent, but we have had numerous examples this season where the bulk milk monitor test was 100% worth doing. Going forward, BVD ear-notching calves is the best way of finding an early BVD incursion, (saves you rearing that PI for two years, and her affecting herd peers by suppressing their immunity and reducing growth rates).

While ear notching is often done at disbudding, it can be carried out at any time. If you haven’t already tested your calves this year, contact us to take those samples. We can ear-notch calves when we do your next calf vaccinations. It is quick to carry out and is highly cost-effective.

Even if you haven’t had a BVD bulk tank change, based on this season’s experiences, we would strongly encourage you to do a BVD risk assessment with us. So we can identify where the possible gaps are before you have an incursion.


Other resources you might be interested in:

BVD… Are you sure you are in the clear?

Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVD)


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