News & Advice

Marvi the stray kitten gets a second chance at life

Oct 10, 2017 | Cats, Pet Health

A very scared, very malnourished little stray kitten was found one evening on a clients property, hiding in the cattle yards. Luckily, the woman decided take the kitten back to her house to feed her and make a decision on what to do next. It wasn’t until the kitten was back at the house, scoffing down her food ferociously that the woman realized the poor little kitten was not putting weight on its left hind leg, and the leg looked swollen. The next morning, the kind lady brought the kitten we now know to be called Marvi (estimated at around 10 weeks of age), in to see the Vet and find out what was wrong. Upon examination, it soon became obvious that Marvi femur of his left hind leg was fractured (the largest bone of the leg). Between the client and our Vet, they came to the decision that, along with the help of the Stray Animal and Wildlife Fund, Marvi would undergo surgery on that leg, and the woman would make the kitten a part of her family. Our clinic staff were all thrilled with this, as we sometimes find ourselves in unfortunate situations with injured stray animals, where we often cannot justify orthopedic surgery and treatment as the animal does not have a home.

That afternoon, Marvi was provided with a high quality, high nutrition food that is gentle on the gastrointestinal system, and was fed this in small quantities, often. The reason we did this was because she was so emaciated, her body would simply not be used to good quality nutrients and lots of it, so by feeding ‘little and often’, we can help her body to get used to the food and begin to utilize it, rather than reject it (i.e. vomiting or diarrhea). Marvi was provided with a special heat pad to keep her warm overnight, and was placed on an intravenous fluid drip to help to re-hydrate and stabilize her before undergoing surgery. The nurses sprayed Marvi’s body with a special flea spray that also treats lice, as she was covered from head to toe in lice eggs. Marvi loved all the special attention, and quite happily lay sprawled out in her cage for a pat, and purred to her little hearts content!

The next day, Marvi was prepared for surgery by our nurses and vet. An orthopedic pin was placed down the kittens femur to stabilize the fracture and keep the ends of the bone in line with each other, and special surgical wire was placed around the bone in two places to hold everything where it should be. The anesthetic nurse prepared a small patch on the kitten, and placed a special pain relief patch against the skin where it would stay for the next 3-4 days, providing additional pain relief following surgery. The surgical procedure was a success, and Marvi recovered well from her anesthetic later that day.

The nurses were thrilled to see that when Marvi woke up from her anesthetic, she seemed much happier and was trying to smooch against everybody (yes, even with her newly pinned leg!).

Marvi’s new owner was thrilled to hear how well she was doing, and planned to pick her up the following day so that she was able to be further monitored following surgery.

Marvi continued to improve over the next two days and her appetite did not wain by even the smallest amount (we suspect she will always be a hoover when it comes to food!). Now that we were happy she was improving well, she was given a worm tablet to help with the worm burden that she no doubt was dealing with, and her owner was called to pick her up.

Over the next several weeks, Marvi was confined to crate rest, in order to give her leg the best chance possible to heal. Although Marvi was not overly pleased about this arrangement, she managed well enough and regular updated were given to our clinic staff to inform us of her on-going improvements.

Four weeks following her surgery, Marvi was returned to our clinic to have the pin removed. It was no surprise to us that Marvi quite happily arrived at the clinic, purring and smooching with anyone in sight. We all like to believe that Marvi is just generally thankful that she was found, provided with medical treatment, and given a second chance in a loving home.

Marvi was again induced under anesthesia, and the pin in her femur was removed. An x-ray was taken to check how well the fracture was healing, and the vet was happy enough with the result. A large callus had formed over the fracture site, providing support and stability. Marvi’s owner was given instructions to further restrict the kittens exercise for another week, and then allow Marvi to start increasing her exercise gradually, in order to build up muscle mass in the leg. Marvi was looking much better in her general health, with a shiny and healthy looking coat, more appropriate body condition with an increased weight, and was well hydrated and much brighter.

The following week, Marvi’s owner reported that Marvi was doing very well, and was playing and being mischievous like any kitten should. Marvi is now learning to use her leg well, and she is building up good muscle mass in the leg. The kittens owners’ only frustration with little Marvi is that she likes to ‘help’ with her mums work (as she works from home), by smooching, sitting on and playing with the computer, mouse, phone, and the owner herself!

Our clinic staff are all so pleased to see such a great outcome for such a cool little character of a kitten, and look forward to seeing her further improvements in leaps and bounds!

If you would like to donate to the Stray Animal and Wildlife Fund, you can make a donation at your local Anexa FVC clinic.

Our Vet nurses run a Stray Animal and Wildlife Fund that is run separately to, but under the umbrella of Anexa FVC. Through kind donations made by members of the community, and through fundraising, the fund is able to give many animals of various descriptions a second chance at life. They mostly see cats and kittens through their doors, but also deal with dogs and puppies, rabbits as well as wild birds (injured or sick), seals and gannets. In the past year we have cared for over 200 animals.



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