News & Advice

Lice in cattle – who cares?

Jun 8, 2018 | Beef cattle, Dry stock, Dry stock animal health & welfare, Grazing youngstock

Lice is a very common problem in cattle, especially in the winter. It can affect all age groups and, although lice tend to be very common in sickly stock, we see lice in overweight and healthy stock as well.

The signs of lice are usually patchy hair loss, especially around the neck. You can often see cattle rubbing on anything- trees, power poles, etc.

Sometimes we see mild lice in a few animals and it goes away. It is common however to see large numbers of itchy cattle. A lot of pour-on and injectable product that treat worms also effectively treat lice. For advice on the best lice treatment for your cattle, contact your local Anexa Vet or TSR.

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