- Your calf shed must be warm and dry, and never draughty; cold calves waste energy shivering.
- Feeding warm milk can help calves to maintain their temperature in cold weather. A bellyful of cold milk will mean the calf has to expend energy to warm the milk up to body temperature.
- Calves should stay inside for three weeks. After this, getting them outside sooner rather than later will reduce the chance of disease outbreak. However, when the weather is bad, keeping them inside for longer may be necessary. In this situation, it is critical that your calf shed hygiene and air quality is maintained to the highest standards. Avoid overcrowding. Top up bedding with fresh shavings or wood chips, and ensure the air is clean with no stale odour.
Calf First Aid
Calves, like all young animals, can deteriorate rapidly when they get sick. To have the best...