News & Advice

Help identify risk factors for Salmonella outbreaks in dairy cattle when you submit samples

Aug 3, 2021 | Biosecurity, Cognosco





There has been an increase in diagnoses of Salmonella on dairy farms in recent years in NZ.  Massey University and Cognosco (Anexa’s research division) in collaboration with dairy industry stakeholders – are conducting a survey during the 2021 dairy season, to identify risk factors for Salmonella outbreaks in dairy cattle. 

Information from this study will help manage the risk of salmonellosis outbreaks, thus improving on-farm production and protecting animal welfare.

It will also improve the health and wellbeing of farmers and their families, and public health.  

Are all samples submitted involved in the study?

No. We will ask your permission via the submission form, before we include your samples in the study. If you agree and your samples are positive, they will then be serotyped. The team from Massey will also give you a call for a brief interview. There is no extra charge for this extra service, results will be sent to you via your vet. 

For further information, contact your local clinic.

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