News & Advice

Have you got your on-farm biosecurity plan sorted?

Sep 2, 2022 | Biosecurity, Dairy

Farm biosecurity involves a range of day-to-day practices that can help keep infectious diseases, pests and weeds off a property. These practices are often documented in a farm biosecurity plan.


There are two parts to a farm biosecurity plan:

  • Measures to reduce the risk of introducing an infectious disease, pest or weed onto the property. 
  • Measures to reduce the risk of spreading an infectious disease, pest or weed within a property. 

With an increasing number of pest and disease introductions into New Zealand over the last decade, farmers in New Zealand need to become more biosecurity aware to protect themselves and the rest of our rural community. Not only should we be aware of exotic disease introduction (such as Foot and Mouth Disease) , but also of pre-existing diseases which are an ever-present threat to your farm’s animal welfare, productivity and profitability.

Some diseases, such as salmonella, leptospirosis and campylobacteriosis are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted to people (you and your staff) causing potentially significant health risks. These need to be considered in your biosecurity plan along with considering the potential for the introduction of anti-bacterial or anthelmintic resistance.

Need a hand putting a plan together? Talk to your Anexa Vet, we can help you identify risks and put plans in place to manage them.

Remember, if you ever think something doesn’t look right or you are concerned there could be an unusual or exotic disease present in your animals, you can ring MPI’s helpline directly on 0800 80 99 66 or call us at Anexa to examine the animals and we can provide advice and support as needed.

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