News & Advice

Have you considered pet insurance?

Jun 1, 2020 | Cats, Dogs, Pet Health

Many pet owners will do whatever they can to help their dog or cat live a long, happy and healthy life. But sometimes when sudden accidents, injuries or illnesses happen, even the most dedicated owner can be put in a difficult position when they haven’t planned for the unexpected expenses.

To protect themselves from having to face sudden costs, more and more New Zealanders are starting to invest in pet insurance. It is estimated 1 in 3 pets will need emergency care every year, so getting pet insurance can let you focus on your pet’s health rather than worry about how large the bills are going to be and whether you can really afford them.
The cost of your insurance will depend on the type of cover you choose and what added extras you think your pet will need now and in the future. The breed of your dog or cat may also increase your premiums. For example, breeds with a tendency to urinary issues may have an additional loading to cover the increased likelihood of needing treatment.

As veterinary care improves, more options become available to treat your sick pet and let them go on to live a healthy, long life. By having insurance in place, you not only help to cover the cost of these options, you’re also buying yourself peace of mind. The peace of mind that comes from knowing your pet can get the treatment they need to get well without your wallet being put on the critical list.

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