News & Advice

Grooming – why it is important

Aug 12, 2020 | Cats, Dogs, Pet Health

Our cats and dogs ancestors were designed to look after their own fur and hygiene. Since then many breeds of both cats and dogs have been created, which have unnaturally long or thick coats, to the extent that often the animal is unable to properly groom themselves on their own.

It is important to groom your pet regularly in order to keep it looking healthy and prevent tangled hair. Tangled clumps allow a build up of dirt and provide a hiding place for fleas and lice as well as causing damage to the underlying skin.

Brushing long haired animals will remove knots and excess hair, reducing the chances of further knotting, and reducing shedding around the home. For advice on which brush would best suit your pet, our staff will be able to point you in the right direction. Tolerance to being brushed will vary between animals, and it is important to get puppies and kittens used to being groomed at a young age.

Cats are generally quite good at keeping themselves clean, but dogs seem to actually enjoy smelling bad, so regular bathing can keep them clean and odour free. Be careful with your choice of shampoo. Anexa staff can help you choose a shampoo that is best for your pet. Avoid human products as they tend to be too strong for our pets coats.

In some extreme situations our pets coats get out of hand getting such badly knotted fur that they have to be brought in to us for grooming. This can often require sedation. You can book an appointment with Anexa’s groomer at our Huntly, Te Kauwhata, Morrinsville and Thames clinics.

Diet also plays quite an important role in coat condition. Premium pet foods often contain higher quality ingredients such as Omega 3 fatty acids that will help to improve skin condition and coat shine. Many clients have commented to us that their animal looks shinier and feels smoother to touch after a change in diet. If you think your animal is looking a bit dull despite your grooming efforts, maybe a change in diet could help.

For further information about grooming your pet or their diet please talk with your Anexa Vet or Vet Nurse.

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