Cattle Veterinary Services
Anexa’s veterinary services and on-farm support for your breeding cattle
Cattle health planning
We can create an animal health plan specifically tailored to your farm system. We provide a binder with all the information in one place along with medicine records, animal health recommendations and worming advice for the year. You will also receive a laminated wall planner size health plan for the office or woolshed.
RVM and compliance planning
Anexa vets are here to work with you to ensure your compliance needs are met.
Parasite management and drench checking
Parasites – the word itself indicates they are unwanted guests, they reduce live weight gain by reducing the animal’s ability to absorb nutrients. They can also cause your cattle a lot of discomfort. Anexa Vets can create parasite programmes specific to your farm. We can also check that your drench is working, ensuring your dollars are well spent.
Vaccination programme, tailored to your herd
Ensure that your vaccinations are done at the right time to protect your herd, ask about a vaccination programme. Popular vaccines include BVD, leptospirosis, clostridial (6 in 1), IBR and Rotovax.
Calving kits and emergency care
Having what you need on hand during calving is important. Anexa stocks the products you need, and if you need a hand
Trace element monitoring and planning
It is important to have the right minerals to ensure that your cattle grow at the right rates and get in calf. Anexa Vets recommend testing your herd annually. We can organise a management plan to help you streamline your animal health treatments for optimal performance.
Feed management
Is feed always tight in the Winter or Summer? Knowing what feed will be available over tight periods, in advance, allows you to make management decisions sooner rather than later. Buying feed before prices rise, selling excess stock, putting on some nitrogen are some of the options when you know feed will run out. Making these decisions ahead of a feed pinch will not only save you money but will prevent a dip in productivity. We can develop a simple feed budget for you, covering short ‘feed pinch’ periods or longer eg ‘over winter’ periods.
Farmax Installation and guidance
Using Farmax Pro we can load your farm information onto the software which then gives you the ability to record all liveweights, sales, and productivity figures. This allows you to perform accurate feed budgeting and test management decisions to see the impact on production and profit. This way you can understand exactly how your farm is performing, and can act early to stay on target. The software produces customised reports for consultants, bank managers, and staff.
Body Condition Scoring Training
Body condition scoring is becoming increasingly recognised as a quick and easy way to assess the condition of your stock and alter feeding accordingly. This practical skill takes less than 20 minutes to pick up if there is a group of mixed condition animals to learn from. We are available to train all farm staff on this procedure.
Product delivered on-farm
We know that good animal health involves more than veterinary medicine alone. Our sales support team can answer any questions you may have, and arrange for your products to be delivered on-farm.
Technician services
Need help bolusing, weighing or drenching? We’re here to help, call your local Anexa clinic or request a booking online here. During the summer months Anexa also offers a spore count monitoring service, to help asess the risk of facial eczema in the areas we service.

Could your herd's production be better?
We’re here to work through it together – simply fill in the form below and let us know how we can help.
Need advice from our vets?
Fill in the details below and we will be in touch.
Info sheets & how-to guides
It’s often not only what you do, but also how you do it, that’s why it’s always a good idea to have a guide handy. Check out our info sheets below and ensure you are taking the best approach.
‘How to’ guides:
How to collect a grass sample.pdf
How to faecal sample.pdf
Information sheets
Hand hygiene why does it matter?.pdf
Check out the latest advice from our vet team
Lepto 4-way™ is here! What does this mean for you?
Great news – the Anexa team are out on farm vaccinating calves, heifers & cows with the new lepto vaccine developed to tackle Lepto Pacifica, the novel strain of lepto recently identified in New Zealand. What does this mean for your animals? Lepto 4-Way™...
What will the 2023 facial eczema season bring?
With a wet November and pasture quality being a little bit difficult to manage, there is already dead litter accumulating at the bottom of some pastures. Two years ago we saw pasture management decisions in December have a big impact on early facial eczema (FE), so...
Animal Health Plans
Now is a good time to consider sitting down with one of our vets to make a new Animal Health Plan, or update your existing Plan. Health plans can be very helpful to have on-farm. It can also be handy to have a copy for employees so they can see what’s going on...