Our Healthy Hoof Advisers can help you reduce lameness on your farm

Our team of Healthy Hoof Advisers assesses your herd’s hoof health by analyzing various factors, such as the farm’s tracks, shed layout, and management practices. We collaborate with you to identify and assess the potential risks for your farm and provide practical, cost-effective recommendations to minimize the occurrence of lameness in your herd.

Herd Health Veterinarian, Headlands Farm Consultant, InCalf Adviser, Healthy Hoof Provider, Accredited Advanced Mastitis Advisor, Accredited Body Condition Score Assessor

Veterinarian, Body Condition Scorer Calibration Assessor, InCalf Adviser, Healthy Hoof Adviser

Find out more about our Healthy Hoof advisory service

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Check out the latest advice from our vet team

Act now to prevent lameness

Act now to prevent lameness

Lameness is stressful – for you and your cows. Identifying and intervening early will benefit your cow’s health and reduce lameness costs (stress, time and lost production).   How will putting a lameness prevention plan in place impact my bottom line? The...

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Lame cows are late cows

Lame cows are late cows

This is a bold statement, but some well-documented research facts about lameness will influence a cow’s overall performance in the herd: It's a vicious cycle: The reduction in energy intake often starts before lameness is even detected. This will lead to production...

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