Dairy Cattle Animal Health & Welfare

Working together for better animal health and welfare on your farm

Anexa Vets are passionate about the care of animals we treat and are here to support our farmers to ensure that they are compliant with current Animal Health and Welfare regulations. We recognise that cows produce better results when their health and welfare is considered, alongside the management of the farm and economics.

Dairy Cattle Animal Health and Welfare Services

Keep you up-to-date with the latest Welfare Codes
Anexa Veterinary Services will help keep you up to date with the latest animal welfare regulation changes, to ensure your animals receive the care they need, and you are able to make any changes needed on farm to meet compliance requirements. Not only do our Vets offer advice and planning, we regularly put articles in our Monthly Newsletters as well.
Pain management for faster recovery

Managing pain from illness and injury will result in faster animal recovery times, better production and happier animals. Anexa Vets are here to advise you.

Down cow support

Our knowledgeable vets are available to help you to treat the individual animal and also to determine the cause of why you have down cows. They will provide advice for preventative steps such as supplementing the herd with calcium.

Compliance support

As the world becomes more curious about where their food comes from, the need for a paper trail grows. Anexa Vets can help you meet your compliance requirements and work with you to overcome any shortfalls. 

Disease and emergency veterinary care

In the case of an outbreak or farm emergency, for example a milk quality problem, it is important that you have the number of vets you need available to help you.

We are a club practice with 12 clinics across the Waikato and more than 40 veterinarians. We also have a large team of veterinary technicians who are trained for on farm work.

Therefore, in an emergency situation or outbreak such as nitrate poisoning, we have enough vets and technicians to come and help straightaway. This gives you a faster resolution of the problem and has better outcomes for you, the farm and for the affected cows.

Tail scoring

Anexa Vets use the national tail scoring standard to assess, score and record tail damage.  Keeping accurate records and having your animals’ tails assessed annually allows you also to see whether the damage is happening on-farm or whether it occurs off-farm at grazing. If tail damage relates to animal handling, then training and education of staff in alternative ways to move handle cows can be provided.

Body condition scoring

A productive cow has a good body condition score. Anexa vets are certified body condition score assessors and can give you an individual cow score or a herd score to enable you to make feed budgeting and management decisions for your herd.

Drought relief consultancy

Our Herd Health veterinarians can prepare feed budgets and offer advice on how to manage food deficits and cow condition. Our veterinary advisors are part of the Headlands Consultancy group and use feed budgeting and farm modelling tools (UDDER) along with financial analyses tools (Red Sky) to help farmers become more productive, profitable and environmentally sustainable.  We will work with you to improve the resilience of your farm business.

Dairy cattle health and welfare information sheets and how-to guides

It’s often not only what you do, but also how you do it that’s important,  that’s why it’s always a good idea to have a guide handy. Check out our info sheets below and ensure you are taking the best approach.

How to guides

Information sheets


Stock suffering from facial eczema?.pdf

Check out the latest advice from our vet team

Down cow first aid

Down cow first aid

We all know that sinking feeling when one of the cows in the paddock does not get up or we see one laid flat out instead of sitting up! Usually, it is either raining or on a day when we already have too much to do! What to do next? There are really two things that...

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