Ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis is a valuable management tool which can be utilised by sheep farmers. It is a quick and non-invasive method of differentiating between single versus multiple bearing ewes, as well as early identification of dry ewes. Ultrasound scanning provides a number of benefits to help enable a more efficient and effective lambing, resulting in better condition of both ewes and lambs.
The benefits include:
– Early culling of dry ewes thereby freeing up feed.
– Selection of lambing paddocks based on the number of foetuses.
– Preferential feeding of multiple bearing ewes.
– Triplet bearing ewes have greater feed requirements during late-pregnancy and lactation compared to twin-bearing ewes, and furthermore they give birth to lighter lambs. Identifying triple bearing ewes means you can ensure these that these ewes are fed adequately and lamb down in paddocks with sufficient shelter for their more vulnerable lambs.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2014. Vol 74: 65-67 65 BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Ewe ultra-sound pregnancy diagnosis and its use by New Zealand farmers RA Corner-Thomasa *, PR Kenyonab, ST Morrisa , AL Ridlera, RE Hicksona, AW Greerc , CM Loganc and HT Blairab