Scott McDougall and the team at Cognosco provided mastitis management and control training to a group of 19 farm managers and senior veterinarians from China in the last week of October. The participants were taken through how to monitor milk quality and mastitis, how to investigate mastitis problems, and spent time on farm observing the milking process and undertaking examinations such teat end scoring, udder hygiene scoring, milking time measurements. Lively discussions were had about the differences in milking management between China and New Zealand, but fundamentally the management and control of mastitis is similar between the milking systems. The team at Cognosco wrote the course material, worked with the translator (Jiri Menghe an ex Cognosco research technician who is a Chinese-trained veterinarian who is now living in Australia), and provided laboratory support for the course. The team received great positive feedback from the course participants about the thoroughness and usefulness of the course.