“It was lovely to receive this gift from Anexa today, a gift all staff received. In the spirit of Matariki we have been reflecting, celebrating, acknowledging and brightly looking ahead to what the new season holds. This gift is a reminder to our people to check in with the team and share the “warm fuzzy” moments, identifying where we have succeeded and where we could do better. Coming together as a team to reflect and learn, we will continue to succeed individually and collectively to best serve our communities. Celebrating Matariki with warm fuzzies 🥰”
Tennielle Ellingham
New Zealand celebrated Matariki with its first public holiday this year. Matariki signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the environment, and the gathering of people. It also signals the start of a new year, a great time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present and plan for the future. This fits in nicely with Anexa’s calendar as we start our new financial year and kick off the spring calving season – What better time to reflect and digest how the past year has gone, acknowledge and celebrate our accomplishments, and consider how we can continue to adapt to make improvements.
Although the last couple of years have seen many changes and challenges, we have much to celebrate, be proud of and get that warm fuzzy feeling over. We must take time in our clinics and wider teams across Anexa, to remember those cases and situations that ended in triumph and identify what worked well, just as it is essential to reflect on the situations that didn’t go so well and determine what we could do differently.
Over the next year, we expect to see further changes and disruption. We will continue to expect the unexpected. Communication skills and the willingness to adapt will be paramount when working through these challenges. We encourage you to regularly check in with the team and share ‘warm fuzzy’ moments, identifying where we have succeeded and where we could do better.
Through communication, adaptation, and teamwork, we will continue to succeed individually, collectively, and as a business. So to celebrate, Anexa Veterinary Services gave a gift of warm fuzzies to all staff as a reminder:
He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
Maori proverb