Flystrike season usually runs from December to March but in warm, humid weather can go right through to June. Flies...
Anexa News & Vet Advice
Browse Anexa Vets’ articles below from our monthly newsletters or sort articles by topic by clicking on heading below.
Do you rear calves? Keep them safe from Mycoplasma!
Aug 1, 2018 | Lifestyle Farmers, Young Stock
It has become apparent that the two HIGHEST RISK practices for getting Mycoplasma are: buying infected animals, and...
Silent messages
Dec 15, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers
How to tell when an animal is sick or injured To be able to realise an animal is sick or injured, it’s important to be...
New Zealand Set To Import Deadly New Rabbit Disease
Dec 12, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers, Rabbit
This title might sound like scare-mongering, but in fact- it's true. In 1997, rabbit calicivirus was introduced to New...
Chickens as pets
Dec 12, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers
Why have chickens? Eggs! Or meat if you’d prefer. Fresh eggs are much tastier than store bought and chickens will...
Alpacas – Things to know
Aug 12, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers
So, you have a couple of alpacas on your lifestyle block. You sit down and think to yourself, I don’t know a thing...
Feeding Animals in winter conditions
Aug 9, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers
I don’t know about all your animals, but mine have been grazing mud for months! I’d like to talk about feeding...
Warm weather worries
Mar 12, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers
With the warmer (and humid) weather approaching, there are several health conditions that might arise. Flystrike...
Chicken illnesses
Mar 10, 2017 | Lifestyle Farmers
Recognising a sick chicken Healthy chickens have a full coat of feathers, a red upright wattle, bright eyes and...