News & Advice

Calf BVD Ear-Notching Update – September

Sep 7, 2017 | Biosecurity, Dairy, Dairy Animal Health & Welfare, Young Stock

Matt Peters, Anexa FVC Veterinarian Rototuna

Our Technicians are doing a great job taking ear-notches for BVD testing while they are disbudding calves. There has been an excellent uptake of this service with significantly more calves tested to date compared to previous years as it’s so easy to just add it on to calf disbudding. This ensures your calves are not BVD PIs as early as possible and so won’t cause issues in your calf sheds and through the rearing period. It is also a lifetime result. You only need to test once. Once BVD PI negative, always BVD PI negative.

Didn’t get around to booking your calves in to be BVD ear-notched at disbudding? No problem, we can do them at any time like when we come out to do their Lepto vaccinations. Just let us know ahead of time so we can bring the required equipment.

Other BVD related tasks to complete before mating:

  • Ensure your bulls are tested and vaccinated for BVD. Insist on receiving a certificate for proof even if you trust your bull breeder or stock agent. This ensures they have been done correctly and at the right time. Any confusion or doubt ask your Vet and do them again. If bulls haven’t been tested and vaccinated previously then they will need to be tested and require 2 BVD vaccinations a month apart with the booster a month before the bull is due to go in. 
  • Ensure your heifers are BVD vaccinated pre-mating to prevent a disastrous heifer mating. Heifers not previously vaccinated as calves will need 2 BVD vaccinations a month apart with the booster a month before mating. Heifers BVD vaccinated as calves just require a booster a month before mating. 
  • Your bulk milk BVD results should be coming through in September and October. This will tell you if there has been a BVD breakdown in your herd which needs investigating before mating starts. Talk to your Vet to ensure yours has been ordered. Ordering through your Vet ensures your Vet will get the results and so can advise you on the best course of action to take at the best time.
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