Bull Fertility Testing
Bull fertility testing and soundness exams
A successful bull mating period relies on both quantity and quality – you need to have the right number of fertile bulls available, and those bulls each need to have enough good quality sperm to get cows pregnant! Anexa has a team of vets experienced in bull fertility testing. Fertility testing is a quick and easy process, involving a full reproductive examination of the bulls and collection and microscopic evaluation of the semen, giving instant results. We can do vaccinations and blood sampling at the same time if the bulls aren’t already up to date.

Anexa’s bull fertility service includes:
General health and condition check
Penis checked for deformities or injuries
Palpation of internal sex glands
Semen concentration and motility examination
Results are immediate and we can BVD test and vaccinate at the same time – BOOK NOW using the form below!
Anexa Vets Bull Fertility Team
Veterinarian; Headlands Farm Consultant, InCalf Adviser, Accredited Body Condition Score Assessor
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