News & Advice

Book your Milk Quality Consult Early!

Feb 5, 2019 | Dairy, Milk Quality

Now is the time to start thinking about booking in your Milk Quality Consult (MQC) with your Vet. You will shortly receive your MQC form to complete; it is important that it is completed, as comprehensively as possible, prior to your appointment to maximise the benefits of this consult. 


Why have a Milk Quality Consult? 

Your MQC is the ideal opportunity to sit down with your Vet one-on-one and, among other things, discuss how milk quality has gone this season and what strategies you can employ for the coming season. With mastitis, prevention is always better than cure, and your Vet will be able to advise you on how to reduce mastitis incidence, and either maintain low bulk cell count levels, or reduce these levels in your herd during the coming season. They will be able to advise you on the best treatment regime for the clinical mastitis cases that occur in your herd.

Here are some other key reasons why an MQC with your Vet can help set you up for a great 2019/2020 season:

  • Your MQC takes care of the prescribing of all the drugs including mastitis antibiotics and teat sealants you are likely to need over the season. 
  • Investment in dry cow therapy is a significant one and your MQC will help you to make the best decisions around your dry cow approach. Remember, our team of experienced and efficient Technicians to help you with your dry off and a range of other services. 
  • It will help you to understand more deeply what mastitis risk factors are present in your herd, how they are impacting on your milk quality, and what practical steps you can take to minimise overall risk. 
  • Get a better understanding of your herd’s mastitis measurement trigger points and what you can do to manage your herd’s BTSCC, clinical and sub-clinical mastitis and mastitis culling rates. 
  • We can build a plan to utilise our extensive lab testing services including our Antibiogram service to maximise the benefit of your MQC. 


 How can you get the most out of your MQC?
  • Book your MQC early – don’t wait until just before you dry off the herd! We can help you make much better decisions around the milk quality plan for your herd for the coming season if we do your milk quality in February. 
  • Make sure you bring as much data as possible to the consult, including your completed MQC forms, clinical case data, herd testing data and BTSCC graphs etc.Within our team of over 50 Vets, we have access to a wide range of skills, experiences and knowledge as well access to the latest research through our Cognosco research team. We are here to help you get the best out of each season with a little forwarding planning and support. We look forward to seeing you at your MQC and to partnering with you in the coming season.
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