News & Advice

Biosecurity made easy – tick it off √

Apr 4, 2019 | Biosecurity, Dairy

Actively managing your biosecurity risk is essential in protecting your farm from unwanted diseases and pests.
What have we done at Anexa to make sure we have you covered in the biosecurity space?

Our veterinarians, in conjunction with our research department, Cognosco, have developed an Anexa-exclusive Biosecurity Risk Assessment, piloted, tested and trialled in the Waikato last year. 

Key points of the Anexa Biosecurity Risk Assessment: 

  • This tool is designed to be a risk assessment process for all the main infectious diseases which we wish to exclude or control on your farm (see the list below), not just  Mycoplasma Bovis. 
  • The process is simple. Sit down with your Vet who knows the situation on your farm, go through a risk assessment checklist and a farm-specific action plan will be generated at the end of the consultation. 
  • The tool is primarily designed for dairy farms, but can be easily adapted for use in other livestock operations. 

The list of main diseases controlled, or partially controlled, through the application of this process:

There are other tools on the market developed as a reaction to the  M. bovis  incursion aimed at preventing the spread of  M. bovis.  These don’t include other diseases, such as BVD and Johnes, that potentially pose far greater risk to your farm (i.e. you are far more likely to get them than  M.bovis), and will have a large impact on your business if they were to get in.

The Anexa Biosecurity Tool is more in-depth and therefore more relevant to your farming business. It will identify biosecurity risks specific to your farm which will allow us to generate action plans appropriate for your level of risk.

Tick Biosecurity off your ‘to do’ List with the Anexa Biosecurity Risk Assessment. Call your local Anexa clinic to set up a time to sit down and go through your biosecurity risk with your Vet.

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