News & Advice

Are you culling cows?

Mar 5, 2019 | Compliance, Dairy, Dairy Animal Health & Welfare

Ali Cullum, Veterinarian, Anexa Vets, Morrinsville

Remember to plan your cattle’s transport at least seven days ahead: their welfare is our responsibility. 

1st: Is it fit to transport? 

Check in the DairyNZ “Checklist for Transporting Cows” booklet or “Fit for Transport Guideline” flow chart. MPI also have a free app for the same purpose – FIT For Transport. Checklist for Transporting Cows: 

2nd: Where are they going, and do they need a veterinary certificate 

Where are they going, and do they need a veterinary certificate to allow them to be transported? Remember, shorter journeys are better, and veterinary certificates are only valid for 7 days. 

3rd: Cattle should also be stood off green feed 

Cattle should also be stood off green feed for at least four hours (no more than 6 hours if lactating). Water should be available. 

4th: Cattle should receive magnesium supplements 

Cattle should receive magnesium supplements prior to transport and should also receive calcium with these if they are lactating. The last milking should be as close to possible prior to transport with extra teat spraying for protection against udder infections.

Following the guidelines helps prevent downer cows during transport and makes for happy outcomes for both cows and farmers.

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