News & Advice

Am I getting the best possible growth in my Friesian bulls?

Jul 28, 2020 | Bulls, Dry stock

Ashley O’Driscoll, Veterinarian, Anexa Vets Ngaruawahia

Finishing bull beef can be appealing, because bulls are often low maintenance compared to other cattle. They are hardy, you don’t need to mate them, and they don’t often require a lot of treatments. (They do, however like to destroy fences, gates, dogs, quad bikes etc!)
Not many farmers consider trace elements (especially Copper, Selenium, and Cobalt/B12) in their bulls, other than the odd injection. We don’t often see severe trace element deficiencies in bulls, did you know that even mild deficiencies may affect your bulls’ growth and weight gain?

You may be supplementing your bulls with trace elements (injections, lick blocks etc), or you may have even tested other stock groups on your property. But how do you know the trace element status of your bulls if you don’t test them? Testing bulls is easy – next time you have a few going to the Works, contact your veterinarian for a trace element form. This will allow liver samples (to test trace element levels) to be taken from your bulls at the Works. Contact your local Anexa veterinarian, it’s that easy!

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