News & Advice

A tongue tied pup

Mar 2, 2022 | Dogs, Pet Health

Georgie Rosendaal, Veterinarian, Anexa Vets Morrinsville

When Hush came to her new owner, she had a peculiar feature – a heart-shaped tongue! She also seemed to struggle to lap, eat and pant and her family suspected something was not right.

I checked her over and diagnosed a rare condition called complete ankyloglossia (severe tongue tie). Hush’s tongue was adhered to the bottom of her mouth from the tip right through to the base of the tongue.

Surgery was booked and nurses Kim and Sam were there to keep Hush stable and comfortable under her anaesthetic while Georgie performed a frenuloplasty (tongue tie repair) on Hush.

All went well and at her recheck 2 days later, it was obvious – Hush was transformed into a different puppy. When we first met her, she was very quiet and reserved but now she had come out of her shell.  She was that bouncy, happy go lucky puppy she had been trying to be! Her tongue was lolling out and she was full of spark.

The whole team is stoked with this fantastic outcome for Hush and her family.


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