News & Advice

3 things you can do to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance on your farm

Sep 9, 2019 | Dry stock, Dry stock animal health & welfare

  • Use antibiotic drugs to label
  • Ensure you are using a full dose of antibiotic, at appropriate intervals (12 or 24 hours), for the appropriate time (usually 3-5 days), according to the label instructions.
  • Avoid/minimise the use of ‘red sticker’ drugs
  • These drugs are listed by the World Health Organisation as critical for human health, which means they are used to treat very serious life-threatening infections in humans and have no alternative drugs available. Examples include meningitis in children, Salmonella in the elderly, and blood poisoning in chemotherapy patients.
  • Talk with your vet
  • The majority of antibiotic resistance stems from misuse; using the wrong antibiotic, treating when no bacteria are involved and / or not completing the course of a treatment. For example, about half of the “woody tongue” cases we are called to see as vets are other conditions such as Johnes Disease, tooth problems/abscess, BVD/mucosal disease (not “woody tongue”). Streptomycin (Vibrostrep™) does not help with any of these other conditions, and is a critically important drug in human medicine.
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