News & Advice

2021 Board Election Results

Oct 7, 2021 | Board, Community, News

Bruce Thomas, Chair, Anexa Vet Club Board of Directors

Wayne Berry, David Firth and Neil McLean completed their term rotation in the Board for this year’s election. Wayne Berry and David Firth stood for re-election, and Neil McLean chose to retire from the Board at the completion of this term.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Neil for his service to the Board. Neil has been a Board member since 2009 and for the past six years has been the Board’s Health and Safety representative. Neil has made a significant governance contribution to the business over the years and I would like to personally take the opportunity to thank Neil for the outstanding support and guidance he has provided to me with over the past 10 ½ years.

As per society rules, nominations from our members were called for. We received four member nominations, to stand for three positions on the Board. Our candidates were: Wayne Berry, David Firth, Brendon O’Leary and Pamela Storey. 

Voting closed on the 22nd September and election results were announced at the 82nd Annual General Meeting on the 29th September 2021. 

Congratulations to our new board members Wayne Berry
(re-elected), David Firth (re-elected) and Brendon O’Leary. 

We would also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank Pamela Storey who was the other member who put their name forward and participated in the election process, making strong and contestable selection of members for the Board.  


2021-2022 Board Members are as follows: 

Bruce Thomas, David Firth, Mike Karl, Wayne Berry, Peter Le Heron, Gaynor Tierney, Brendon O’Leary and Amy Whetu (Independent Board Member). 

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